Cindy's Story
My Dominium journey began in July of 1984. I had recently just graduated from St. Cloud Technical College in St. Cloud, Minnesota and gotten engaged. So it was time to move to the big metro area of St. Paul/Minneapolis. I was hired to start at Dominium on July 10th, 1984, working part-time as their receptionist. This lasted one day and I was asked to work full-time. So on day two I became a full-time employee of Dominium. I spent the first few months reorganizing all of Dominium development files and helping out the one compliance person and doing payroll. After three months the compliance person decided she was going to go back to school and I asked if I could take on that position. So my journey continued completing all Dominium’s Section 8 paperwork. At that time compliance at the corporate office completed all the 50059’s for about 2,500 units.

I stayed with compliance for a few years and in the meantime started taking accounting classes at night. I eventually transferred into accounting where I stayed until after my son was born in 1990. In 1990, I made my ultimate dream come true. I became an Area Manager, helping out the Regional Managers. Within a year I had my own portfolio of sites in Minnesota.
Of course the rest is history. In 2013, Dominium decided that all of their Section 8 properties needed to be under one person. I of course applied because I had truly discovered my passion was with Section 8 housing. Now I am overseeing 45 sites with five regional managers reporting to me. Dominium has helped me grow both personally and professional for the past 33 years and I would not have changed one thing. I believe my continued motivation and Dominium’s guidance and encouragement has helped me with my overall dreams.