Leadership Conference 2022

Partner, Chief Property Management Officer & Executive Vice President Jack Sipes looks back on a Leadership Conference for the books.

Dominium owns and manages affordable housing communities across the country, so it’s not often our Property Management team gets to gather in one place. But when we do, it’s a high-energy affair!

Last week, our team came together in Dallas, Texas for our 2022 Leadership Conference. This biennial event is a chance for our property managers and maintenance supervisors to learn from industry leaders, connect with one another, and celebrate our individual and collective accomplishments.

This year was particularly special.

When COVID-19 struck, much of the world battened down its hatches. But not our Property Management team. As essential workers, our team masked up and bravely continued serving our communities and residents.

For that reason, it was with great pride that I welcomed this year’s attendees to the 2022 Leadership Conference. They have demonstrated compassion and courage throughout COVID, putting themselves at risk to provide our residents with the comfort and assurance they needed during a time of crisis. They have truly brought our company rallying cry to life: What We Do Hits HOME! 

And What We Do Hits HOME was alive and well at this year’s conference. On Day 1, we spent an afternoon volunteering at The Gatehouse, an organization that empowers women and children overcoming crisis to become permanently self-sustainable. Collectively, our team volunteered over 800 man-hours to ensure The Gatehouse campus is ready for the 30 new families they’re expecting in 2022. 

On Day 2, we launched a new program inspired by Roving Community Manager Paula Irons. Last year, Paula bought shoes for a young resident who didn’t have a proper pair. It was a small act of kindness that inspired the entire company. In honor of her selflessness, Senior Managing Partner Paul Sween and I unveiled the Spread Kindness Program in which on-site employees are given $100 prepaid gift cards to spread kindness when and where they see a need.

We also welcomed leaders from across the company and held our Leadership Conference Awards Ceremony, where we recognized our "best in class" employees, teams and communities for their efforts this past year.

To cap off the week, Consultant and Real Estate Advisor Dr. Debbie Phillips joined us to give a phenomenal keynote address. She brought with her more than 30 years of industry experience and reminded us that you can build and create the most beautiful place in the world, "but it takes people to make the dream a reality." 

Though we spent time honoring our achievements over the past few years, this Leadership Conference was very much a forward-thinking event. Its theme was The Road Ahead, and as a team and company we are excited for the opportunities ahead of us.

I leave every Leadership Conference motivated, excited, and proud that we provide such a quality housing experience to families and seniors in need. This year was no different. In fact, this year I am prouder than ever.